2024 CPDT Exam Registration

  • Registration Closed

2024 CPDT Exam Registration
Exam dates: October 28 - November 8, 2024
Exam registration deadline: October 20, 2024

For eligible candidates please add this product to your cart and checkout. Click REGISTER in green at the top right of this page. Do not use Internet Explorer; please use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. After submitting payment, you're required to complete an acknowledgement (visible after registration) and this will confirm you've read the requirements, as listed below.

Read: During checkout, you're required to include your 1) middle name as it appears on your legal identification. If your legal ID does not contain a middle name or initial please write N/A, 2) a personal email address if your account is not associated with a non-business email address, and 3) the date and time you want to take the exam.  Any time is available to you, so please indicate AM or PM and the time zone. 

Read: After checkout, you'll receive further email communication from the exam proctor 7 business days before the date of your exam. Please contact certification@aspe.org with questions.


  • ASPE Members - $225
  • Nonmembers - $450

    • Nonmembers must complete the eligibility form prior to submitting exam registration fees.
    • If you wish to receive the member price for the exam your membership application must be received prior to exam registration. It can take up to two weeks for applications to be processed so plan ahead.



Some other FAQ related to this year's examination:

  1. You will follow the procedures to launch your online exam and sign online ONLY at the exact date and time you specified when you registered. For example, if you indicated Thursday, October 19 at 9:00 pm EDT, you’re permitted to sign on and take the exam ONLY at that time.  The exam will not be available before or after that time.  
  2. The same policies and procedures apply to the remote proctor exam.
    1. You have 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to complete the 100-question multiple choice exam, and you will be monitored by a remote proctor.
    2. You are permitted to take the exam once.
    3. You are permitted to have two pieces of blank paper to work on calculations. You're required to shred them in front of the proctor before your exam session concludes.
    4. You are permitted to use a battery-powered, nonprogrammable calculator. You are not able to use your phone's calculator or the calculator on the computer you're using to take the exam.
  3. Specifications / Requirements to take the exam remotely via ProctorExam:
    1. Your computer is required to have a webcam (internal or external) which will be used to monitor you during the exam process.
    2. You’re required to download an app to your Android or Apple phone or table. This will be placed behind you in the room which you’ll be taking the exam to monitor your surroundings. I will share this with you at a later date.
    3. You’re required to use Google Chrome and download a browser extension which records your monitor. Nothing is downloaded or stored to your computer.
    4. Your internet speed should be consistent enough as to not time out during your exam session. It’s recommended that your internet speeds be at least 5 MB down and up. If you need to determine this please visit speedtest.net and run a test on the computer and internet connection you will use for the exam.

To check a few things, using Google Chrome please click this link to test your machine.

Some more information:

  • The exam proctor does not support the following: Google Chromebooks, Android tablets (Nexus 7, etc.), iOS tablets (iPad, iPad mini, etc.), and Microsoft Surface RT.
  • We recommend you do not take the assessment in a work environment nor use a work laptop.
  • If you are planning on using a Wi-Fi connection, check no-one else is using the Wi-Fi at the same time as their usage may affect your connection. Ensure you are positioned where the Wi-Fi signal is strongest. A wired connection will ensure a stable connection.
  • Know how to obtain the mobile device operating system version which is located in the settings of your phone.
  • Ensure you can connect your mobile device to Wi-Fi.
  • Ensure your mobile device can be placed at least 3 metres/10 feet away from you and can be situated upright.
Components visible upon registration.